Club Logo in Color (GIF 3.1 Kb)

New Providence Amateur Radio Club
The  Radio Club of the Watchung Hills Area
P.O. Box  813, New Providence, NJ  07974    USA

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Club Simplex Frequency:

Club FM Simplex on 145.750 MHz

Club call signs are N2XJ and W2FMI


ARRL Web Sites:

Solar Conditions:

 Solar Conditions



page last modified: Thu Feb 22 20:44:30 2024 PT

Auction Sellers' Page

Sellers:  If you would like NPARC to auction some items for you, please note the following:

  • NPARC collects no commission on sales. -- Your $10 entree fee is all you pay.

  • Buyer preview begins at 12:30, so be ready!

  • Auctioneers will give priority to ham related items.

  • When the auction has ended, remaining items may be sold in the "flea market".

  • Please complete an Item Description form and attach it to each item to be auctioned.

    Forms will be available at the admission table, or you can print them at home from PDF. See sample below.

    Key entry fields:

    • ITEM: Short name of item.
    • SELLER: The ID number on your admission ticket. Cashiers track payments by ID.
    • RESERVE: Minimum acceptable sale price, which may be $0. You can drop the reserve if the final bid is below the reserve.
    • DESCRIPTION: The better the description, the better your chance of getting a good price.

  • After the entire auction is complete, payouts will be made at the cashier's table.