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Emergency Radio Team

Several NPARC members also volunteer on an emergency radio team (ERT), which can provide amateur radio communications during public service events or emergencies. Recent events the team has supported include the New Providence Memorial Day Parade and local fund raising races where the ERT helped keep the event managers informed about unexpected problems, injuries, or the location of the last runner or parade float.  The ERT also has an ongoing relationship with the Office of Emergency Management in New Providence and is "on call" should emergency communication services be needed.

<-- Frank K2EZR and Joe KC2EYG at a 2005 charity run
Click on photo above for larger image

If your organization might benefit from the supplementary communications that the ERT can provide, please call one of the ERT leaders, Al Hanzl (908-464-1323  ) or Barry Cohen (908-464-1730).

Preparing for emergencies is vital.  On December 12, 2011 the regular NPARC meeting was a public panel discussion on "Preparing for the NEXT Electric Power Failure."  Power Point used in the discussion is available here.

Here are some photos of past events:

July 9, 2006 - First Annual Amber Pizzo Memorial 5K Race in Berkeley Heights

Lou WK2I at the finish line showing the small portable radio he used to communicate with event managers.

George Pizzo (Amber's father), Lou WK2I from the ERT, and Dr. Smith, organizer of a September 5K run.

Al K2AL, George Pizzo, and Lou WK2I