NPARC Meeting notes: Monday, April 10, 2017 Time start: 7:30 PM Location: NP Senior Center/Decorso Center, E. 4th St., New Providence, NJ. Attendees:K2YG,KC2WUF,K2EFB,WB2EDO,K2JV,KD2EKN,N2TO,K2AL,AC2GL,KD2ITW,WA2SQO,KA2MPG,KD2JRI,K2EZR,AE2JP, N2FYE,N2AUG,K2GLS,W2PTP, M0OKB,N2SLS,KC2ONL,K9MBA, Henry (24). Don, N2SLS, introduced himself and joined the club. Welcome,Don and thanks for joining the club! 1. The sign-in sheets at this and future meetings will include a survey related to determining mmembers' interest on various topics. This meeting's survey asked how many WPM (words per minute) can you copy CW and who would be interested in learning Morse Code or increasing your speed and who would be willing to be a mentor. Results will be discussed at the next meeting. 2. W2PTP, President, called the meeting to order at 8PM: A) Application for use of the GLHS location for Field Day has been submitted. FD 2017 is June 24/25. B) Memorial Day parade: Need marchers. Rick, WB2QOQ, is once again the club coordinator for this annual event. C) Split Rock Hamfest is Sunday, April 23. D) Reminder to get your QSL cards ready for the Bureau so KC2OSR can arrange to send to the ARRL in one batch to take advantage of the cost savings as a result of NPARC being an ARRL Affiliated Club. KC2OSR will be collecting QSL cards at the next meeting. The procedure for submitting your cards is in a Reflector email from W2PTP. 3. WB2EDO informed us that the Tri-Count Radio Club (TCRA) is selling loop antennas as part of a fundraiser for their repeater. 4. K2JV has information and handouts on CEPT rules for those who want to operate overseas. 5. K2YG discussed the resurrection of the NPARC Digital Net. It will take place every alternate Monday from Club meeting dates, that is, the first and third Mondays of the month, at 9PM local time on 28.085 MHz. Notices will be posted on the Reflector. Those that need assistance in getting started in digital modes can get help from several club members. Contact K2YG via email or via the Reflector. 6. KD2EKN announced that the "Miltary Vehicle Show and Swapmeet" will be taking place on April 22 and 23 at the Sussex County NJ Fairgrounds. Info at or phone 973-803-9725. 7. Club Activities Chairman, AC2GL, introduced Joe Dunphy, K9MBA, as our guest speaker. Joe is a retired member of the Signal Corps and member of ARCC, Fairfield. Joe discussed the Gotham Shield Emergency Preparedness Excercise taking place on April 26. This exercise is funded by FEMA and is designed to stress and test emergency communications resources in the metroplitan area. The basis of the exercise will be a simulated "mass caualty event" in NNJ and will involve 21 OEM's. For those wishing to participate in this important exercise, AC2GL has been posting info on the Reflector. The rest of the meeting was spent ragchewing, drinking coffee and once again,enjoying Norma Cohen's home baked goodies. Meeting was over by 9:30 Al Hanzl K2AL Secretary, NPARC April 18, 2017