Club Logo in Color (GIF 3.1 Kb)

New Providence Amateur Radio Club
The  Radio Club of the Watchung Hills Area
P.O. Box  813, New Providence, NJ  07974    USA

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Club Simplex Frequency:

Club FM Simplex on 145.750 MHz

Club call signs are N2XJ and W2FMI


ARRL Web Sites:

Solar Conditions:

 Solar Conditions



page last modified: Thu Oct 7 06:32:52 2021 PT

NPARC 50th Anniversary HF Event

Special Event Status

During 2015 NPARC is celebrating our 50th Anniversary. Our first celebration involves using our first club callsign, N2XJ, as a special event throughout the year. Members of the club will sign up to operate N2XJ a week at a time similar to the W1AW portable operations during 2014 for the ARRL Centennial celebration. Each week will begin at 0000UTC on Thursday and end at 2359UTC on the following Wednesday. Below is a summary of the operation so far. This will be updated as often as possible throughout the year.

One of our goals is to work DXCC and WAS with the club call N2XJ during the operation. Below is the progress as of March 30, 2015:

Note: These tables are updated based on the data contained in the log files and may not provide correct summary values. Corrections will be made throughout the year to improve the accuracy of the summaries.

Month # Stations
(# Operators)
# QSOs
# QSLs
QSOs by Mode Worked Confirmed LotW
CWPhone Digital # States # DXCCs # Continents # States # DXCCs # Continents
January 5 (5) 221 73 26 183 12 41 46 5 19 29 5
February 5 (6) 276 83 11 213 52 27 38 5 20 18 5
March 4 (4) 135 28 9 16 110 10 33 5 2 12 4
June *                        
Totals 12 (13) 632 184 46 412 174 43 68 6 28 36 5

* - June includes Field Day numbers.

Finally, here is a band summary of the QSOs, including confirmed for DXCC, WAC and WAS awards:

  160m 80m 60m 40m 30m 20m 17m 15m 12m 10m
Total QSOs - 40 2 204 12 169 24 40 10 20
Total QSLs - 15 2 64 5 36 12 4 7
DXCC Worked - 15 2 28 8 30 12 30 8 15
Confirmed - 10 2 16 4 12 5 13 4 7
WAS Worked - 10 1 30 4 29 5 17 - 6
Confirmed - 4 1 18 2 14 1 5 - 2
WAC Worked - 4 1 5 4 4 4 6 3 5
Confirmed - 3 1 5 2 4 3 4 1 4

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